by Christopher Haymon of Adulting Digest When a business grows rapidly, it can be exciting but also challenging. More customers and higher demand mean your business needs to keep up while still giving great service. Preparing for these changes helps you stay organized and keep things running well. With a few smart steps, you can […]

By Nathan Bagster of Nathan Bagster Freelancing Running a business comes with countless struggles—finances, staffing, life—the list goes on. The truth is, when something throws you off your game in one part of your business, something else is likely to fall through the cracks. For many businesses, blogging and social media are often the lowest […]

Guest Post by Christopher Haymon of Adulting Digest Financial setbacks can be discouraging, if not devastating. So you might wonder how in the world you have what it takes to start a business afterward. But here’s the thing: Failure and mistakes can teach you a lot and help you build the resilience necessary to be […]

Guest Post by Christopher Haymon of Adulting Digest Long ago, before machines and mass production became the means by which we manufacture goods, we had craftsmen, tradespeople, and artisans. Now that for the most part, these very essential products are no longer made by hand, they have become hobbies for those who enjoy them and […]

By Caroline Tremblay Your Brain on Grief & Disbelief For the first weeks of quarantine, there was a flurry of activity across EVERY social media platform, encouraging professionals to embrace this time. Learn a language! Reinvent your resume! Build your email list! (Admission: I totally got sucked into it. My inbox is currently piled high […]